orange Orange Fritters AI Enthusiast

👋 Hi there

👋 My name is Mindong Choi
🥰 Into every field of AI

💻 Tech Stacks

Python cpp TS JS java

Pytorch Tensorflow sklearn numpy pandas

MongoDB Express react NodeJS

ReactNative Firebase FastAPI


Project Description
Real Time Squat Classifier Using MediaPipe Client-side rendering service that evaluates squat posture using seven different labels. Developed a Flow for classifying real-time Pose Video data from a webcam input on a browser using the MediaPipe framework. #BrowserAI #VideoAI #Mediapipe #AIaaS
MRI Reconstruction AI for Fast MRI Challenge 3rd place winner in the fastMRI 2022, the largest AI modeling competition at SNU. Built a model combining E2E-Varnet and RCAN. Trained and inference of large-size AI models in 8GB GPU by applying various model memory optimization techniques. #MemorySaving #Pytorch
Change Detection & Climate Detection AI for PlanetA Challenge 1st place winner in the PlanetA 2022, an AI modeling competition for solving natural science problems at SNU. Built multi-modal siamese nested unet to solve change detection problem. Applied an UNet++ model to detect atmospheric river. #AIModeling
Recommendation & NLP based E-Commerce Website Responsible for web development of a AIaaS demo site for a fashion item recommendation and review summarization. Developed the front-end of the site using React JS, back-end using MongoDB and Express, and built a model server with FastAPI. #AIaaS #WebDevelopment
Algorithm for Locating Elderly Leisure Facilities based on Graphs Selection of optimal locations for elderly leisure facilities in Gwanak-gu. Constructed a pedestrian network and embedded various variables. Designed an objective function using matrix operations. Used genetic algorithm to obtain the optimal location. #Graph #GeneticAlgorithm #MCLP